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Change You Can Trust.

It has been over 10 years since the Hamblen County School board added a new member. Many of these school board members have served since I started Kindergarten over 20 years ago - this is a problem. If Congress has taught us anything, it is that continuing to elect the same officials over and over - leads to regression and not progression. It is as simple as bringing new ideas and a fresh vision that leads to advancements and transformations. As a 100% product of Hamblen County Schools, I attended Fairview-Marguerite elementary school, Meadowview middle school and Morristown-Hamblen High School East. I chose to live in Hamblen County because I wholeheartedly love our community. However, I know that our community’s future is only as strong as our students - and that is exactly why I am running. Every single day, patients in our community put their trust and faith in me to provide safe care during their most vulnerable time of their life - surgery. I can promise you that you can trust me to provide that same dedication and bring change that you can trust to our schools.

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Safer Schools.

Safer schools is my top priority. Parents expect their children to return home safely every single day. In today's time, school resource officers have a pivotal role in making sure our schools are safe both inside and out. It is imperative that we keep police officers in our schools, and make sure that their role is expanded throughout the entire district. Every student, teacher and administrators life is of the most important value - it is the job of the school system to provide a safe learning environment. I am 100% committed to work for more consistent support of safety for students and faculty across our schools.

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Championing for our Teachers.

Over the past year, our teachers have moved mountains. Teachers and administrators adjusted their teaching style, philosophies and adapted to the challenges that the Covid-19 virus brought to our community. I have talked to teachers all across this district - and many of them have worked up to double their normal time, while managing both in-class and online instruction. Our teachers rose above all the challenges and we, as a community, are forever grateful. I want to make sure our teachers have the most competitive pay and benefits in order to retain and recruit the brightest educators to our district. To me, it’s important that we give teachers the power to determine instructional priorities and programs. Teachers serve on the frontline everyday for our students and they know what is best practice and instruction. Lastly, it is vital to provide the resources and focus on teacher-driven professional development. Our district is filled with spectacular educators - let’s  give them the opportunity to lead and mentor within our own district.

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Early Childhood Education.

Research data shows that early childhood education is one of the most important factors in translating to high-achieving high school and secondary education students. Providing our community with access to pre-K programs and expanding these programs will allow our students to not only get ahead, but stay ahead. Expanding our Pre-K classrooms, put our students on an early path of success.

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Building for Our Future.

As a proud life-long conservative, I strongly believe in the simple economic principle of never spending more than you have. I will always advocate for a balanced budget and encourage a process of reviewing programs and expenditures that are not working to the benefit of our students and teachers. In addition, I believe in supporting capital projects that make sense for the longevity of our schools and students. If we’re going to make the most of our resources and make important decisions, then we have to make sure that everything we do is supported with good data and not guesswork or faulty assumptions.

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Stronger Communication.

Is the School Board seeking to communicate and update families? Communication is more important than ever. A major issue in the current schools and school board is communication among parents, teachers and administrators. In a recent school board meeting, a member of the board even mentioned lack of communication between board members. The community needs to know how it can help, what it can influence, and what it can’t. Our school system should be using technology to give parents and our community an easy way for parents to express their concerns and opinions. Why does our school system not have an all-in-one app? Using technology to our advantage should be a priority; however, that is tough when a majority of the school board members grew up in a time where technology was an idea and not a tool. I also support on focusing on the building on relationships between other county elected officials and volunteer groups such has HC* Excel and school PTOs.

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